UP ARROW KEY: Move upwards!

DOWN ARROW KEY: Move downwards!

LEFT ARROW KEY: Move to the left!

RIGHT ARROW KEY: Move to the right!


WASD: An alternative form of movement controls for any 'gamers' out there!

SPACEBAR: Switch to secondary weapon!

ESC: Open menu!

I: Open inventory!

H: Show/hide the HUD!

1-9: Hotkey to any hotbar slot!

R: Restart the current level!

E: Interact with objects! (eg open doors, pick up loot, talk to NPCs)

LEFT CLICK: Fire weapon! / Use item!

RIGHT CLICK: Place blocks!

P: Toggle perspective! (1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person)

T: Chat to other players!

Z: Zoom in!

Z: Zoom out!

SHIFT: Sprint!

CTRL: Crouch!

SHIFT + CTRL: Slide!

SHIFT + CTRL + LEFT CLICK: Slide attack!

CTRL + LEFT CLICK: Ground kick!

CTRL + RIGHT CLICK: Stealth takedown!

SHIFT + LEFT CLICK: Move stack!


JUMP + LEFT CLICK: Jump attack!

JUMP + CTRL + LEFT CLICK: Mid-air kick!

JUMP + RIGHT CLICK: Mid-air takedown!

JUMP + CTRL + RIGHT CLICK: Mid-air stealth takedown!

JUMP + CTRL:  Crouch jump!

JUMP + SHIFT: Sprint jump!


JUMP + CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT CLICK: Leaping kick!

M: Open map!

Y: Quick open tech tree menu!

C: Switch to dual wield!

V: Melee!

TAB: Show online players!

B: Hotkey for switching to build mode!

N: Hotkey for switching to planning mode!

X: Hotkey for switching to combat mode!

L: Hotkey for switching to alliance selector!

K: Hotkey for 'keybinds' menu!

H: Hotkey for 'change hotkey binds' menu!

R: Reload!

F: Flashlight!

G: Throw a grenade!

J: Jump button!

Q: Throw item!

G: Throw another grenade! 

Y: Why not?!?!

ENTER: Skip dialog!

CTRL + ENTER: Skip to next scene!

CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER: Skip all dialog!

SHIFT + ENTER: Erase save data!

F1: Open console!

F2: Take a screenshot!

F3: Open debug menu!

F4: Quick!

F5: Quick save!

F6: Quick reload!

F7: Quick delete all progress!

ALT + F4: Quick feel better about accidentally quick deleting all progress!

MIDDLE CLICK: Quick fire secondary weapon!

SCROLL: Change weapon!

SCROLL + LEFT CLICK: Select weapon!

MIDDLE CLICK + SCROLL: Quick change secondary weapon!

MIDDLE CLICK + SCROLL + LEFT CLICK: Quick select secondary weapon!

SCROLL + RIGHT CLICK: Discard weapon!

MIDDLE CLICK + SCROLL + RIGHT CLICK: Quick discard secondary weapon!

MIDDLE CLICK + SCROLL + LEFT CLICK + RIGHT CLICK: Quick discard selected secondary weapon and select discarded primary weapon!

U: Open emotes!

U + 1: Disco dance!

U + 2: Wave!

U + 3: Peek-a-boo!

U + 4: Dab!

U + 5: Herobrine!

U + 6: Star jump!

U + 7: Floss!

U + 8: Who's the captain now?

U + 9: Your money or your life!

U + 0: Look, but don't touch!

DELETE: Remove an item from your inventory!

INSERT: Insert an item into your inventory!

CTRL + INSERT: Insert multiple items into your inventory!

CTRL + DELETE: Remove multiple items from your inventory!

CTRL + INSERT + DELETE: Insert multiple deleted items into your inventory!

CTRL + DELETE + INSERT: Delete multiple inserted items from your inventory!

CTRL + SHIFT + INSERT: Insert all items into your inventory!

CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE: Remove all item from your inventory!

CTRL + ALT + INSERT: Insert items into someone else's inventory!

CTRL + ALT + DELETE: Open windows panic menu!

UP ARROW KEY: Move upwards! (in windows panic menu)

DOWN ARROW KEY: Move downwards! (in windows panic menu)

ENTER: Select option! (in windows panic menu)

ESC: Exit windows panic menu! (in windows panic menu)

HOME: Home teleport!

END: End teleport!

HOME + END: End home teleport!

NUM LOCK: Locks your number pad!


(Please note: controls are not applicable in this game since it is a text adventure)

Development log


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Fun game, but I found a key combo not listed in controls. Might want to add ALT + F4 to the list :)

