(Which is the name I'm proposing for the genre of 'look at static scenes of people dying, and figure out exactly what happened". It's like a Tabeleau Vivant (look it up) except everyone's dead.)
Ok, I've been stuck for a while, and don't know where to go. I've posted the images of which files I've found below, and any hints would be greatly appreciated. I feel like it may be very obvious, but any hints would be appreciated
Really enjoyed this. Kept me intrigued and, while I don't really consider myself the best at puzzle-solving, I did manage to find the answers to everything I needed to get to the end.
My only real questions/critiques are (spoilers): .
Basically my queries are about two things where I didn't see any clarity and I thought that was intentional but maybe I missed something?
I wasn't sure if I understood the hangman. Was the point that it couldn't be done, that the only option was to die by your own hand, unknown, in an attempt to prevent further spread? That was my assumption...
If there was an ultimate 'explanation' for what happened then I missed it. I got that remembering a person that had been killed and erased caused you yourself to die but I didn't get what the thunderclap represented or how it was supposed to have started. I'm fine if the mystery is the point, but if I was meant to glean an answer then it wasn't clear.
I think the point of the mystery wasn't to find when it started (although the story does heavily imply it) it's more to find what exactly happened here and with the original investigator. Did you find all the files? Including all the 00-files?
And before I knew it, I had spent 2 days playing this game. A 10/10, thank you for making it! It's amazing how you use the limited mechanic to enrich the narrative. I think I got attached to ||| too much in the end. (suffice to say that scene got me)
A few thoughts that still linger in my mind (rot13):
- Vs Ryrnabe'f qrngu jnf gehyl gur bar gung fgnegrq nyy guvf, gura jul qvq crbcyr fgvyy erzrzore ure? Ubj jnf fur gvrq vagb nyy guvf?
- Jnf Ryrnabe naq Trbetr hfrq gb or pybfr gb rnpu bgure? V'z fher gur fgevat gur thrfgf xrcg chyyvat sbe sha jnf pbaarpgrq gb n oryy qbja va gur xvgpura. V jbaqre jub vafgnyyrq vg gurer, naq jul bayl gurer (be fb vg frrzrq). V vzntvar fur rawblrq guvf srngher n ybg orpnhfr jura Uneel fnvq gung ur gubhtug "fur" jnf fgvyy va gur ubhfr, vg frrzrq gung ur nffbpvngrq gur oryy evatvat jvgu Ryrnabe... lrg ur pbafvqrerq gur fbhaq n onq bzra. Znlor gur ynfg gvzr gung oryy enat jnf ubj Trbetr sbhaq ure obql svefg? Jnpx gurbel onfrq ba zl thg srryvatf bayl, Ryrnabe fhssrerq n zragny vyyarff naq gur cneragf jrer jryy njner ohg gbb nfunzrq gb nqzvg vg, urapr gurl arire gnyxrq nobhg vg ntnva. Fb fur pnzr onpx n iratrshy tubfg jvgu gur zrzbel zrzr-heqre phefr. (stealing this from ResidualToast, thank you for the term)
- Jul jnf Wbua bhgfvqr bs gur punva? Ur fubjrq fvzvyne fvtaf gb gur bguref naq jnf ba n svefg-anzr onfvf jvgu Ehcreg. Ur naq Naavr jrer nobhg gur fnzr yriry gb gur Tnyyrlf, V guvax.
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That was a nifty little Tabeleau Mortant.
(Which is the name I'm proposing for the genre of 'look at static scenes of people dying, and figure out exactly what happened". It's like a Tabeleau Vivant (look it up) except everyone's dead.)
Ok, I've been stuck for a while, and don't know where to go. I've posted the images of which files I've found below, and any hints would be greatly appreciated. I feel like it may be very obvious, but any hints would be appreciated
I'd advise you take the last line from the penultimate entry you've listed literally.
Yeah, that worked. I think I may have kept putting in the wrong act entry-
Really enjoyed this. Kept me intrigued and, while I don't really consider myself the best at puzzle-solving, I did manage to find the answers to everything I needed to get to the end.
My only real questions/critiques are (spoilers):
Basically my queries are about two things where I didn't see any clarity and I thought that was intentional but maybe I missed something?
I think the point of the mystery wasn't to find when it started (although the story does heavily imply it) it's more to find what exactly happened here and with the original investigator. Did you find all the files? Including all the 00-files?
And before I knew it, I had spent 2 days playing this game. A 10/10, thank you for making it! It's amazing how you use the limited mechanic to enrich the narrative. I think I got attached to ||| too much in the end. (suffice to say that scene got me)
A few thoughts that still linger in my mind (rot13):
- Vs Ryrnabe'f qrngu jnf gehyl gur bar gung fgnegrq nyy guvf, gura jul qvq crbcyr fgvyy erzrzore ure? Ubj jnf fur gvrq vagb nyy guvf?
- Jnf Ryrnabe naq Trbetr hfrq gb or pybfr gb rnpu bgure? V'z fher gur fgevat gur thrfgf xrcg chyyvat sbe sha jnf pbaarpgrq gb n oryy qbja va gur xvgpura. V jbaqre jub vafgnyyrq vg gurer, naq jul bayl gurer (be fb vg frrzrq). V vzntvar fur rawblrq guvf srngher n ybg orpnhfr jura Uneel fnvq gung ur gubhtug "fur" jnf fgvyy va gur ubhfr, vg frrzrq gung ur nffbpvngrq gur oryy evatvat jvgu Ryrnabe... lrg ur pbafvqrerq gur fbhaq n onq bzra. Znlor gur ynfg gvzr gung oryy enat jnf ubj Trbetr sbhaq ure obql svefg? Jnpx gurbel onfrq ba zl thg srryvatf bayl, Ryrnabe fhssrerq n zragny vyyarff naq gur cneragf jrer jryy njner ohg gbb nfunzrq gb nqzvg vg, urapr gurl arire gnyxrq nobhg vg ntnva. Fb fur pnzr onpx n iratrshy tubfg jvgu gur zrzbel zrzr-heqre phefr. (stealing this from ResidualToast, thank you for the term)
- Jul jnf Wbua bhgfvqr bs gur punva? Ur fubjrq fvzvyne fvtaf gb gur bguref naq jnf ba n svefg-anzr onfvf jvgu Ehcreg. Ur naq Naavr jrer nobhg gur fnzr yriry gb gur Tnyyrlf, V guvax.
- Nzryvn pbhyqa'g unir tbar "zvffvat" sbe ybatre guna n srj zbaguf orpnhfr Ehcreg beqrerq n yvsr-fvmrq zhfvp obk cvnab onfrq ba ure jbexf. Vg pbhyq'ir orra zbzragf orsber fprar 01 fgnegrq.
V qba'g guvax vg znggref zhpu ohg vg jnf vzcerffvir gung Uneel znantrq gb ynfg guebhtu gjb jubyr fprarf orsber gur guhaqrepync.
Nyfb: Unysjnl guebhtu Npg VV V fgvyy gubhtug gur zlfgrel jnf gung Ehcreg nppvqragnyyl obhtug n guhaqrepync-b-angbe naq vg jnf fybjyl tevyyvat gur oenvaf bs rirelbar va guvf nern
omg that was so long sorry
1. V qba'g guvax gung Ryrnabe jnf vaibyirq jvgu gur phefr ng nyy. Fur'f abg va gur yvfg gung gur ntrag tvirf ng gur raq.
2. Wbua whfg unccrarq gb arire or gur svefg crefba gb erzrzore gur ynfg qrnq crefba, naq gura ur xvyyrq uvzfrys orsber ur pbhyq erzrzore Naavr,
3. V qba'g guvax gung Ehcreg obhtug gur cynlre cvnab orpnhfr bs Nzryvn.
Uncovered 71 files, including the final note. What's missing?
Everyone alive appears in one scene per timeslot. You're clearly missing many of them.
What do you mean by that? like every alive person appears once per time slot or they all meet n one room once per time slot?